Things to Know Regarding Asset Tags


An example of an asset tag is an identification label or a label that is used on assets such as equipment, devices, furniture, etc. , to help track such assets for purposes of inventory or maintenance, among others. Consider the following facts about asset tags if you are in charge of managing assets in your organization. Here are five considerations that are considered imperative about asset tags, and this article will briefly discuss them.

Asset tags are fundamental to trending asset management systems as they make it possible for businesses and organizations to fast track valuable resources, respectively. Fobs and tags take different shapes including barcodes, QR codes or RFID fob each presenting its own advantages for various tracking requirements

  1. Asset Tags for Traceability and Identification

Therefore, the primary intent of asset tags is traceability or identification of the asset in question. They enable organizations to make their assets to be identified through a code or number that is assigned to it. It is also of great assistance in producing awareness of where in the organization’s assets are: which assets are where. It also allows for categorizing resources for the purposes of auditing and managing asset inventory.  

Moving on, by having asset tags, it becomes easy to manage movement and also maintenance of the assets. Assets that are tagged, for example, can be easily looked up and the respective maintenance history and schedules established. This also facilitates tracking of transfers of assets between locations and departments or employees. This enables one to determine who owns an asset or is responsible for it as per the organizational structure.

  1.  What Plate Styles You Should Select 

Currently, there are many materials out there that can be used for asset tags including plastic, metal, polyester among others. It is fire resistant and lasts relatively longer, which is ideal for outside fixed assets. Tags with barcodes are added to polyester, which makes it possible to track the assets without constant input of the data. The tags also differ in size and form, as in the case of the tags described above. The size and degree of exposure of the assets decide the shape and size of the asset tag that should be used on the asset.

  1. How to Place the Asset Tag

Placement of the asset tags requires that it should be in a position where they can be read easily and also visible, as well as be scannable and properly fixed. They have to be conveniently located as they cannot be in proximity of operations. Pertwise, the tags are to be located in standard areas of assets, center top, or bottom side. Similarity in positioning across other related asset types helps in identification and scanning.  

Depending on the surface of the asset it fits with direct attachment or with adhesive, smooth surface, textured surface, curved surface, etc. There are some difficult surfaces to apply the tags such as grills, pipes, etc. , for these tags we can wrap them with bands, ties, or rods. The tags should be visible and not be obstructed or hidden by parts, fittings or even a layer of dust. Tags must also be fixed in a manner that they do not snag, break off or become detached from the assets that are marked.

  1. Tracking Asset Tags

Asset tags as indicated can be used for tracking assets by hand as well as by assistance of some automatically generated system. Manual tracking involves the physical examination of the tags so as to get the status of the various inventories. This is time consuming but helps in migrating to electronic operations systems. This barcode tag allows you to scan multiple tags at once and submit the data directly into an asset tracking software. Real-time tracking is achievable with RFID tags as it facilitates automatic location and logging information.  

The specific implementation of tag scanning on mobile devices means that it offers portability to track the same. An added advantage is that whereas most companies have to acquire specific onsite scanners to perform the asset scan, this can be effectively done using the common smartphone. 

  1. Name Plate Controls

In the process of management of an asset tagging program there is a need to clearly set organizational policies and protocols. This involves such areas as the setting of asset priority for valuation, methods of categorisation and organization of assets, methods for labeling the assets among other things Standards should also cover methods of receiving assets, issuing out and transferring assets, verification methods and methods of presenting the resultant asset records.  


It is easy to track, secure, maintain organizational assets during their lifecycle through the use of asset tags and pop out banners. The best use of tags is therefore predicated on strategic tagging efforts, proper planning when introducing the tagging program and consistent focus on how to manage the tagging effort in order to achieve its intended end. The use of tagging best practices would therefore work to the advantage of organizations since it would lead to increased asset visibility, accountability and efficiency in asset management.